Tuesday, April 22, 2008

hard work pays off...

Well its been run here and when youre done run over there type pf a week. I hoop all of you got out and voted in hte PA primary today..... * clears throat--- go McCain* Our church drama team traveled down to Manns Choice over the weeeknd to compete in 'Teen Talent/ Talen Fest' and we had a lot of individual competitors but our drama team presented two dramas one to " let go" by RED and the other one " come up here" by Jason Upton, they are very powerful and so awesome to be a part of, andsaying all of that out of very many other dramam teams competing against us we took first plce in both divisions with both of our dramas. YAY! Im so proud this also means that our drama team can take our dramas and compete nationally at General Assembly... im so excited! anywho, im waiting for thomas to get the drama videos uploaded and Ill put them on with some pictures....

1 comment:

Mandi said...

Hey is our Bible Quiz Team that Nathan coaches makes it to Gen Assembly as well, we'll be there chaperoning! Oh...and about the ring bear, even a tiny one could be carried down the aisle! LOL! Hey or you could just have a...uh hum...ring bear in a flower girl dress? LOL! Desperate times call for desperate measures! Blame Nathan for the lack of ring bear material!
