Monday, April 28, 2008

I Pass!

Good news, over these past couple of weeks I have been been taking what are called NOCTI tests, theyre nursing written and practicle tests that you have to pass to one graduate and two get youre papers... and I PASSED! Im so excited, I want really nervious, but just anxious. I want to be done! its almost may and Im ready for June. Anywho ... Bishop Shope our state CE director gave us the 'ok' for our drama team to take not jsut one but both or our dramas to General Assembly, so that is really exciting, here are some picture of when we were st our state compition.

Ok all of the pictures are of Jeremiah and I.... what can I say?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

hard work pays off...

Well its been run here and when youre done run over there type pf a week. I hoop all of you got out and voted in hte PA primary today..... * clears throat--- go McCain* Our church drama team traveled down to Manns Choice over the weeeknd to compete in 'Teen Talent/ Talen Fest' and we had a lot of individual competitors but our drama team presented two dramas one to " let go" by RED and the other one " come up here" by Jason Upton, they are very powerful and so awesome to be a part of, andsaying all of that out of very many other dramam teams competing against us we took first plce in both divisions with both of our dramas. YAY! Im so proud this also means that our drama team can take our dramas and compete nationally at General Assembly... im so excited! anywho, im waiting for thomas to get the drama videos uploaded and Ill put them on with some pictures....

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Im sorry, I am so busy, I know thats all I seem to say... but its true! NOthing too big is happening right now... just running from one thing to another.... this past weekend mom casey and I went to jamestown for a mother daughter event with Rebecca St. James and Evie, nad it was so fun! Aliya's detication was on Sunday and it was very nice! And now this weekend, Im running off to ' Teen Talent' Our church Drama team is competing nad Jeremiah is the leader of our praise team and hes working really hard on those things plus work and school and drama, hes so good at everything..... good thing he keeps me in line! Anywho.... busy,busy,busy!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Ok, I have finally found some time to blog. I have been so busy lately! I was in Lancaster for the past week for FCCLA (Family Career and Community Leaders of America). I was the annual State Leadership Confrence. I was so amazing! We had the keynote spears R5 Productions, , They were amazing! Basically theyre 3 guys in theier 20's who are truely blessed the ability to talk to youth about relevant issues and them actually listen and get it. You should really check them out! Also at the confrence was Jason Westerheide the 2008 FCCLA National President, he was great! Jason is a wonderful friends and I was proud to have served my term of office in FCCLA with him! On Thursday night we had a banquet honoring the State exectuve coucil and here are som pictures of us!...

Also, On friday my family and I headed over to New York City for the weekend. I had never been to the city before but is was so fun, I love travelingnad experiencing new things and different cultures. I know its weird to think about a place in the same country about 400 miles away can have a totally different culture, but is was really neat. But is was good to come home, After the 7th day I was tired of living out of a suit case!... LOL!

Also, My birthday was on Sunday and I got a pretty amazing gift. Well I did get many gift and thankyou to all that sent my gifts I loved them all, but I think you would agree that this one... it just kinda beat all the other....

Yes, that would be my promise ring from Jeremiah... its wonderful!